Books make wonderful gifts for our loved ones and friends anytime of the year, especially for the holidays. The Holiday Gift Book Selection at DK Canada has a wide selection to suite everyone's taste. My children are LEGO fans and the LEGO book, 365 Things to do with LEGO Bricks, unleashes their imagination and gives them lots of creative ideas on how to use a variety of LEGO bricks to create unique pieces.
Showing posts with label DK books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DK books. Show all posts
November 4, 2016
April 21, 2016
Superhero Titled DK Books and Giveaway
These titles from DK Canada's Heroes and Villains boutique are inspired by the influx of superheroes and sci-fi films. Marvel Good Versus Evil has more than 1000 stickers that young Marvel fans will enjoy. Children will enjoy connecting the names of the characters and reading more about each of the Marvel characters on this book.
March 11, 2016
Spend Time Crafting this March Break and Giveaway
My family and I enjoy doing do-it-yourself and craft projects because it allows us to make unique pieces we can add to our space. I find when we handcraft items, we appreciate it and care for it more because it does not carry monetary value. The books at DK Made by Hand Boutique are an inspiring collection with lots of ideas, which children and adults will enjoy.
October 7, 2015
Detailed Papercut Lantern
I was inspired by the Paper Craft DK book to do this detailed papercut lantern project. This book has 50 fun and exciting projects that involves card making, gift wrapping, scrapbooking, and beautiful paper flowers. I love that the book includes templates that we can use to recreate the projects. I used the template for lanterns from this book, and scanned it on my Brother ScanNCut machine, which cut this intricate lantern design for me within minutes.
September 2, 2015
July 9, 2015
Win a set of Eyewitness Books
Eyewitness books are a wealth of knowledge. These books are must have in every library at home and in schools. My children enjoy looking through and learning from these fabulous books from DK. Eyewitness Human Body shows everything we need to know about the body from the smallest cell to the systems that keep us alive. It also has information about how, when and who started researching about different parts of the human body. These educational books gives details with images on how everything works.
June 4, 2015
Superhero Fans Will Enjoy This Collection
When you have Superhero fans at home, you hear lots of stories about these characters. I love hearing the different characteristics and power each of the characters have from my children. I also like it when there are activities to go with the shows they watch. With the Marvel Universe coming to Toronto in August my children were excited to go through every page of this Factivity book. Both my children enjoyed doing the activities and relating it to the recent Avengers: Age of Ultron movie they watched.
May 30, 2015
Win Your Own Copy of What Plant Where Encyclopedia
This time of the year, my family and I spend lots of time gardening, shopping for the garden, tending the plants, and weeding to keep our garden a clean and well maintained space. For us gardening is exciting, tiring, and relaxing. We love reading books about gardening, trying a variety of different plants and flowers every year, growing to love some plants more than others, talking about plants, recommending our favourites and our tips to family, friends, and neighbours. Recently, I got a wonderful book from DK that tells all about what plants go where in our garden.
April 24, 2015
Inspiring Books for Gardening and Learning to Hairstyle
The books Grow Vegetables in Pots and Grow All You Can Eat in 3 Square Feet are inspiring the decisions we are making this year for our garden. We love gardening, and over the years have learned many things about how to care for a variety of plants, and to landscape. We are expanding our garden space to accommodate more vegetables and trees this year.
January 20, 2015
Learning How to Care For Our Body with Natural Ingredients
It is important to take time to love ourselves and feel good. I enjoyed reading and going through DK's Natural Beauty book written by Susan Curtis, Fran Johnson, Pat Thomas, and Justine Jenkins. The book has lots of tips and techniques that we can use, and it encourages using easy to find, gentle products such as herbs, plants, and other kitchen ingredients to care for our skin and body.
October 20, 2014
Making a Felt Soft Ball Inspired by the DK Gift Boutique Quilting Book
I checked out the Quilting Patchwork and Appliqué book by DK publishing, which covers everything we need to know to successfully do quilting, patchwork, and appliqué. I like that the book leads beginners through all the details that helped me to get confidence to try different projects. This book will also inspire those with experience in quilting, as it has over 100 quilt block patterns to make unique keepsakes. I have done a few patchwork projects before, and have made this rectangle cushion with the same material and this denim cushion with different patchwork designs.
September 15, 2014
Making This School Year the Best with DK Books
With the start of a new school year, I think it is important to set some routines for our children around doing some extra practice after school. This routine is very important to us, especially since the school my children attend don't give homework due to the no homework policy. I find the selection of books at the DK's Back to School boutique such as their Made Easy series, and 10 Minutes a Day series are helpful for my children to get some extra practice and ask us questions about context they would have been introduced to in school. These books and more are now available for 30% off its regular price.
August 8, 2014
DK Readers Buy 2 Get One Free Boutique
The DK Readers (buy 2 Get one Free!) Boutique is just time for going back to school. These readers helps our children practice their reading on topics they enjoy such as LEGO, about animals, and more.
June 16, 2014
Details on a Selection of Books from the Father's Day Boutique
Taking pictures either nature, still photography, or pictures to remember moments is a fun hobby for me, as photography helps me tell a story. Photography using all types of cameras has been a learning experience that I have enjoyed and continue to enjoy. To keep my excitement for capturing images unique, new and lively, I like checking out photography books.
May 9, 2014
Inspiring DK Books for Mothers and a Middle Eastern Recipe To Enjoy Eggs
Middle Eastern Egg beid bi tom recipe follows
Mothers must be celebrated everyday! In celebration, DK is hosting a Mother’s Day Boutique with a collection of inspiring and intriguing books that are 30% off for a limited time. These books such as Mediterranean Cookbook, Dressmaking, Ultimate Food Journeys, and The World's Must-See Places are for mothers of all ages and interests.April 15, 2014
Looking At The Night Sky
My son got this Space Torch toy as a gift from our friends. We really appreciate this as it opened up his enthusiasm to learn more about the night sky. To learn about the amazing things that can be found in the night sky, we checked out the Get Started Astronomy DK book that has lots of colourful pictures, advice, tips and in-depth fascinating information about stars, planets and galaxies visible from Earth.
April 5, 2014
Benefit from DK Book Sales and Win Smithsonian Institution's Natural History Book
This month DK is having two fun boutiques Best for Baby and Earthly Pleasures in honour of Earth Day 2014, which will happen on April 22nd this year. The Baby Boutique has a selection of titles that will answer many questions parents have in topics such as pregnancy and birth, newborns to toddlers, baby health, nutrition, and more.
The books are 30% off for a limited time and perfect to give as gifts for parents since we all know as exciting as it is having a baby, it can be overwhelming and we all need some advice on unfamiliar topics.
March 8, 2014
Win Your Own Fun DK March Break Books
DK Books has a wonderful collection of books at 30% off for a limited time to celebrate March Break. My family and I really enjoy DK books because it is educational, colourful and present information in a fun way. These valuable books teach us about new and well loved subjects like dinosaurs, space and more.
February 12, 2014
Entertaining Sticker Books
DK books are hosting a special Buy 2 Get 1 Free Sticker Book boutique for the next few weeks inspired by the cabin fever that is taking place in family households across Canada this freezing cold winter.
January 10, 2014
New Year’s Boutique Start Something New
The beginning of a New Year is when most of us make new resolutions to start or continue things that benefit us. I started off this year with a few resolutions and one of them is to learn about and concentrate on having a healthier lifestyle. To assist me with this process, I checked out a few colourful and informative DK books that I think everyone should read and benefit from.
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