The Green living show, North America's largest green consumer event will be held from April 13th to 15th at the Direct Energy Centre, Exhibition place. There will be over 400+ exhibitors and companies in Canada that will exhibit all types of product categories; energy, food & beverage, health & wellness, home & garden, transportation, eco-tourism & recreation, fashion & beauty...
Here is the schedule
Friday April 13th 10 AM to 9 PM
Saturday April 14th 10 AM to 9 PM
Sunday April 15th 10 AM to 6 PM
Free admission If you bring electronic waste to recycle sponsored by Samsung and Sears. Children under 12 years accompanied by adults get in for free as well, a good opportunity to teach children about green living.
Elementary schools get in for free when they participate in the Passion for E-recycling school challenge.
Join other green-minded Canadians, learn and enjoy from these fabulous attractions. Some of the cool ones :)
EcoKids Zone sponsored by Earth Day Canada will provide entreating workshops to create crafts, seed balls, eco activities and live animal presentations.
Learn about the importance of birds for the ecosystem and watch live bird attractions
Interactive exhibition about Canada's oceans
Explore new innovative electric mobility technologies hands-on at the vehicle show and test drive environmentally friendly automotive.
Bring your bikes, there will be valet bike parking weather permitting.
Swap your pre-loved DVDs, Blu-rays, CDs
There will be a farm fresh fare with restaurant chefs making gourmet meals using Ontario grown ingredients. Part of the proceeds from the Farm Fresh Fare ticket sales will go to Evergreen's children's food program and Slow food Toronto's learning garden programs.
There will be an Eco fashion show, farmer's market, job forum and lots more...
Follow on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date. Looking forward to see you guys there :)
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