August 3, 2022

Types Of Access Technology

keypad door
Using access control technology makes it easy to control who is allowed in and out of your premises. There are many different types of access control technology in the market, and each of these have their own pros and cons. Here are some details about each of these technologies to help you find the most suitable one for your needs.

July 29, 2022

Our Camping Adventure at Earl Rowe Provincial Park

earl rowe provincial park
One thing we love doing in the summer is camping at Ontario Parks. After a couple of years of pausing all travel plans due to the pandemic, we were super-excited to get back into some of our favourite things to do. With both our children being teenagers now and having their own schedule of activities to do, timing adventures become difficult. Planning a quick camping trip less than a couple of hours from home was fun and exciting for all of us. Thankfully, a camping trip has a lot of engaging and exciting activities for everyone in our family. We believe camping is a good way to connect with nature, which is great for our physical and mental health - and most importantly great for creating family memories!

Creative Art Books for Beginners and Giveaway

watercolour painting
Finding time to explore and use our creative outlets can be challenging. Books that inspire us to get creative in very less time are useful during these times. We like the 15-Minute Painting: Effortless Watercolour and 15-Minute Drawing: Getting Started series that help us complete projects in one sitting and feel accomplished. These books are easy to follow as the instructions are written in a simple approachable way, and it has step-by-step projects that are easy and fun to follow and complete in 15 minutes. Since both books, give a quick overview of the basics tools and materials, it would be useful for beginners.

July 28, 2022

Easy Ways to Spruce Up The Garden

garden sign deco paint
In the spring and summer, we spend a lot of time in the garden. Spending time tending for the plants and caring for the green space can be quite relaxing and satisfying. Here are some easy ways to spruce up the garden in no time when it starts to look a little tired.

July 26, 2022

A Guide To An Organized Closet

organized closet
There's never enough closet space is there? Closets can fill up real quick and become overflowing with unworn or unsuitable items. There are probably things in there that sometimes we don't even remember buying.

Our Own Unique Fashion and Style

We all have our own versions of fashion and style, which helps us look and feel great. This sense of fashion and style also contributes in making us feel better and improving our lifestyle. So it is important for us to take time to come up with ideas around what fashion and style means to each of us.

July 19, 2022

Ideas For Improving Your Outdoor Space

garden with flowers createwithmom
When you own a home, there is always work to be done on the exterior of the home and property. Instead of calling it work, think of it as an opportunity to enhance the outdoor space. Having this type of mindset can inspire to think creatively and give us an opportunity to have fun. Here are some ideas to consider when planning DIY and renovation projects for the outdoor space.

July 13, 2022

How Important is French When Travelling To Canada

quebec city bus tour
Although French is one of the official languages in Canada, most recent statistics suggest that 22.8% of the population speak French as their first language, while many others speak it as their second one. If you are planning to travel to Canada, you may wonder if you need to get your French phrasebook out, or if you can get by with just English.

July 1, 2022

Cirque du Soleil: Crystal in St. Catharines, Ontario

cirque du soleil crystal
We started our long weekend with a road trip to St. Catharines, Ontario to watch Cirque du Soleil: Crystal at the Meridian Centre. St. Catharines is the only Canadian stop on the North American tour for Crystal, a breathtaking acrobatic show on ice that is happening from June 30th to July 3, 2022. WOW! should sum up this show. 

June 18, 2022

Celebrating with Ice Cream Cake and Cirque du Soleil

ice cream cake
With summer nearing and in anticipation of Father's Day weekend, we planned to enjoy it outdoors with a barbecue. This delicious ice cream cake from Baskin-Robbins was the perfect dessert everyone craved.