July 26, 2022

A Guide To An Organized Closet

organized closet
There's never enough closet space is there? Closets can fill up real quick and become overflowing with unworn or unsuitable items. There are probably things in there that sometimes we don't even remember buying.

With space being at a premium, we need to make time to get our closets organized and make it efficient. Being organized with our clothes and shoes can remove a lot of stress, and make us productive and even save money.

Have a huge clean out
The first thing that needs to be done is have a thorough clean out. Remove every item so that we are starting with a complete blank canvas. Then, start sorting through everything. Throw out anything that is damaged, stained, that doesn't fit or you know you'll never wear again.

If you have clothes and accessories that are still in good condition, then keep them aside to either donate or re-sell.

The same goes for multiples of things. If you have seven identical shirts or jeans, then reduce the numbers.

Once you've done a first run through all the items, go through them again and make a final decision on those you weren't sure of the first time around.

Assess any gaps
Once everything is cleaned out it makes it easy to see what you need and what is missing in terms of key pieces. Perhaps you need some shirts or some casual day dresses. 

Buy storage accessories 
There are a tonne of great tools and boxes that can turn a plain closet into a high-end storage solutions. For example, using velvet hangers can save you a tone of space compared to traditional ones. There are also single hangers on which you can hang multiple pairs of trousers or shirts.

You can also use over the door multi-compartment storage to keep small items, shoes and accessories in.

Use shoe boxes and garment storage baskets in the bottom of your closet for items that can be folded.

If your closet has drawers, or you are organizing chests of drawers, then you should use boxes to keep everything neat. There are many choices of boxes available especially for things like socks, jeans and even bras.

Using garment protectors can help keep delicate items safe. Having some dryer sheets around the closet helps to keep everything smelling fresh, without paying a premium for other types of fresheners.

Keep special items protected
Most people usually have a tux or evening dress tucked away somewhere in the back of a closet that doesn’t usually stays there unless it is a special event. It's easy for these items to get damaged if you aren't careful. An errant piece of velcro or zipper can be an issue.

If you're in a climate that is particularly humid or prone to moths, you can place special water trapping sachets in your closet in order to soak up moisture in the air which could damage your items. Protect sweaters by folding them into a cedar wood box which is a natural deterrent for moths.

Use vacuum storage for extra space
Bulky or seasonal items can take up a lot of closet space. Vacuum bags are the perfect way to store things like coats, bedding, blankets in just a fraction of the space. Simply put the items in a vacuum bag, seal it up and then remove the excess air through the valve with a vacuum nozzle or specialist pump.

Keeping things organized
Now that you have an uncluttered, beautifully organized closet, you need to take the time to keeping it that way. Rather than letting things pile up again, regularly look through and remove anything that needs to be thrown out.

Try not to buy too many new items without first getting rid of old ones. If you get drawn to good sales, then really think about what you need and whether you have the space.

It is always a nice feeling to open the doors to a clean organized closet, as it make us feel less stressed especially when we are in a hurry.

Please note that all opinions and thoughts expressed are my own. All rights reserved on photographs and written content Createwithmom © 2010 - 2022. Please Ask First

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