January 18, 2021

Jeans: How to find your style

jeans how to find your style
Shopping for jeans can become difficult with all the different choices of styles, colours, cuts and fits out there! Your daily activities and likes from the types of activities you enjoy to where you go will help make it easy to find what style of jeans would be best for you. Here are some pointers to keep in mind when shopping for jeans.

January 10, 2021

How to colour wash a focal wall

colour wash wall
We had this DIY stencil wall for about three years now and wanted to change the look of this room by adding more indoor plants. With the indoor plants hanging the wall looked a little crowded, so we changed it up with this easy and fun colour wash technique. Depending on the lighting, this room looks different and beautiful in person.

December 21, 2020

Müska cereal giveaway

We are really enjoying the Müska cereal range from Fourmi Bionique, a Canadian-based manufacturer of premium cereals and snacks. This new range of muesli-type cereals are made with a blend of organic whole grain flakes from Canada, the company's signature ingredients, and their Dukkah Brunch recipe. The Dukkah Brunch recipe is an Egyptian-inspired blend of roasted seeds and nuts coarsely ground with spices created by roasting and crushing almonds and sesame seeds with maple syrup, with a hint of cinnamon and salt. These balanced blends are low in added sugar.

December 11, 2020

Win a copy of Flavorbomb

createwithmom frittata
Flavorbomb: A Rogue Guide to Making Everything Taste Better is a cookbook with a singular goal: to help us become better cooks. Author Bob Blumer shares all the tips, tricks, hacks, and techniques he learned from hosting Food Network shows, breaking Guinness World Records, working with some of world’s best chefs, and crashing food stalls around the globe.

November 29, 2020

FUJIFILM Instax® Mini Link Smartphone Printer and Printlife

createwithmom instax fujifilm
We love taking pictures. Usually, we print a few of our special memories to decorate and display around our home. During the past few days, we have been using the Instax® Mini Link Smartphone Printer to instantly print and display pictures. This FUJIFILM Instax® printer is a fun, compact, interactive wireless printer that lets us print photos instantly on Instax mini film from any smartphone or tablet. 

November 25, 2020

Entertaining Educational STEAM themed toys

smartlab tiny toys
These SmartLab tiny toys are fun and really cute, it would be adored by children over eight years, as they learn and experiment using the tiny tools that come with each themed kit.

November 18, 2020

How to find the best Black Friday deals

black friday deals
We have all seen the video footage of Black Friday shoppers going completely mad - often for items they don’t even need or want, but all in the name of the discount! Black Friday is a great time to find a deal or two, but if you do not go in with the right approach, you will just be wasting your own time. The key to a successful Black Friday is research - after all, why would you spend money if the product isn't good. If you aren't prepared, you will not make the best decisions and end up waisting money. Here are some tips to help you make and stick to your budget.

November 1, 2020

Bring the Tropics home with Lemongrass House Spa products and Giveaway

lemongrass house essential oil burner
We love using Lemongrass House products on our body and around the home. The fragrances of their products derived from tropical floral scents have become more important this year with us spending majority of our time at home. With the weather becoming cooler, having the scents of the flowers and calming natural products are really helpful not only for our physical health but also with our mental health. 

October 30, 2020

Bring Style and Decor with Photowall

photowall mural
If you are looking for a way to change up your decor, bring creativity to your home and give a fun unique look to any wall in your home, then you must take a look at Photowall.

October 12, 2020

Books that unravel the mysteries of the universe, oceans, and museums

unravelling the mysteries of the universe
Unravelling the mysteries of the universe has been a human fascination since the beginning of time. From recording observations of stars, planets, and celestial sights to space travel, and even ideas of living in Mars has crossed the human mind. This book is a beautiful way for us to learn about the things we've wondered by understanding the science behind the mysteries.