Showing posts with label home renovation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label home renovation. Show all posts

November 3, 2014

This Roll and Stow Will Help Us With All Our Painting Projects

roll and stow painting
Painting is one of the top do-it-yourself projects in Canada because it is inexpensive to do it ourselves. Taking on this project is fairly easy, and fun. I feel every time we do our own painting it also gives us a sense of accomplishment when the project is complete. However, every paint project comes with challenges including paint spills, the inconvenience of temporarily packing up paint supplies when we cannot finish a project in a single day and keeping paint tools organized and neat in a single storage place between paint jobs. This new Canadian made Roll and Stow solves all these problems.

January 14, 2014

Flushability in Our Bathroom is Important to Us

toilet paper
Flushability is very important to my husband and I, as parents and home owners. We try to be eco-friendly as much as possible and have changed our toilets to make sure that it fits this criteria. What and how much we flush out of the home is quite important to us because of the tree roots around our home clogging the sewer system. Due to this reason the kind of toilet paper we use is a concern to us.

Recently, with our #BathroomReno project we were shopping and looking to choose a toilet that is eco-friendly. We went with the option to have a low flow, dual flush toilet that saves water and money.