We found using Plantables to be a convenient way to order plants online for our summer garden this year and got them delivered right to our doorstep!

Ordering the plants online is straightforward and easy. The plants arrive within the week of when you want it - we liked getting the email confirmations once the plants were shipped to help track it.

We found it neat on how the plants were packaged and delivered. None of the plants were damaged. There are simple, easy to follow instructions that come with the package. The instructions and the QR code to the planting video made it easy to know how to care for the plants and transplant it into either pots or the ground.

Once the plants arrived, we removed it out of the packaging, and placed it on a muffin tray with water to acclimatize the plants for a few days before planting it outside.

Taking a look at the tags that came with each plant helped to plan where to plant, as some plants need full sun and some will be happy in partial shade.

We prepared our vegetable garden beds and containers with good soil that has compost and planted the different vegetables, herbs, strawberries, and lavender we got from Plantables. Take a look at our planting process.

Once planted, all the plants need good amount of water, care, and patients. We found ordering plants from Plantables for our summer garden easy and simple.

It has been a few weeks since we planted, and the plants are doing well. We will updated this post with pictures when the plants start producing. Follow our garden journey on instagram.

Disclosure: Please note that all opinions and thoughts expressed are my own. All rights reserved on photographs and written content Createwithmom © 2010 - 2023. Please Ask First
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