August 3, 2022

Types Of Access Technology

keypad door
Using access control technology makes it easy to control who is allowed in and out of your premises. There are many different types of access control technology in the market, and each of these have their own pros and cons. Here are some details about each of these technologies to help you find the most suitable one for your needs.

Voice intercom access
Voice intercoms are popular in apartments and offices. They are the most basic form of access control technology and are still fairly reliable. Such access control technology requires visitors to push a buzzer to alert someone in the building. The person in the building then confirms the identity of the visitor by speaking through the intercom and then pushes a button to allow them access. Cameras may also be integrated so that the person in the building can see who the visitor is.

This form of access control requires someone to already be in the building. As a result, authorized personnel will usually still need another form of access control such as keys or one of the technologies below in order to get into the building. An advantage of this technology is that it is usually quite cheap to implement, plus manual authorization of visitors means that no-one can hack their way in. 

Keypad entry
This is a popular form of access control that involves asking authorized personnel to remember a code. This is entered into a keypad outside the door which then opens the lock. In other cases, a keypad may be used to turn off an alarm after already using a key to get in. Such keypads can be mechanical or displayed on a digital screen. Keypads are typically not too expensive to install. You do of course need to be careful as to who you disclose the code to, and it may be worth changing the code occasionally to keep it secure. It is typically easier to reset the code with a digital keypad.

Key card entry
A card key entry system is similar to using a key - however instead it's a card, fob or token that allows electronic access. Key cards can be quickly scanned to allow quick entry. On top of assigning them to specific people, you have the power to deactivate them if they get lost or end up in the wrong hands. You can also digitally track usage - which could allow you to track when employees clock-in and clock-out.

Key card entry system setup costs can be higher than other forms of access control, however the convenience of quickly scanning a card and the ability to track usage have added benefits that can make it worthwhile.

Biometric scanning
Biometric scanning involves scanning parts of the body to allow access. Fingerprint scanners, eye scanners and facial recognition scanners are some of the most popular examples. Unlike a code of card that can fall into the wrong hands, biometric scanning ensures that only the authorized individual has access. These security systems can be expensive to set up because the technology is more advanced, plus it can be temperamental if a person does not position their finger or face in a certain way. However, for those that want an ultra-secure form of access control, it is the best option. 

Number plate recognition
Another recent form of access control technology is automatic number plate recognition. This can be an effective option for controlling vehicles into a certain area. Such access control systems consist of a barrier and a camera - the camera scans each vehicle's number plate and opens the barrier if the car's number plate is stored on a system. This ensures that only authorized vehicles can access. This technology is typically not cheap to set up. However, it can have an added level of convenience over other vehicle access control methods such as key cards, which can get misplaced, and intercom or manned barriers that require someone to always be present to let people in.

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