October 27, 2021

How to Have a Well Functioning Home

how to have a well functioning home
Making sure that are home is well-functioning from top to bottom is important. This will help us make the most out of all the spaces in our home and enjoy it. Here are a few ideas on how you can ensure that your home is well-functioning to meet your needs. 

October 25, 2021

Ways to Enjoy Winter While Staying Healthy

oats winter
There may be a chill in the air, but winter does not necessarily need to be the unhealthiest time of year for you and your family. Here are five ways to ensure that no matter how much your body tells you to hibernate, you can remain healthy and fit, no matter what the weather or season is.

October 21, 2021

Nature Painting in Watercolor Giveaway

nature painting
Nature Painting in Watercolor by Kristine A. Lombardi focuses on watercolour painting inspired by the outdoors, specifically, the plants, flowers, birds and animals. This book is a good place for beginning and aspiring artists to learn how to create their favourite ferns, leaves, trees, florals, animals, using the popular watercolour medium.

Ways to Encourage Creativity in Your Kids

createwithmom craft
Kids are naturally curious, and as a parent, watching them grow and discover their passion is fulfilling. Encouraging them to build their creativity shows your interest and makes you an active part in supporting their development. Statistics reveal that as kids grow older, they may become less creative if there is no intentional effort to build and sustain their creativity. Experts recommend striking a balance between engaging your kids in various activities geared towards building their imagination and giving them the creative space to grow. With the practical tips below, you can help develop and encourage creativity in your kids.

October 12, 2021

Ways To Add Quality of Life and Financial Value to Your Home

If you are looking to sell your property, then you are probably looking for maximum value. A bit of investment such as a finished basement, patio, decking, or a home spa could lead to a potentially significant return on investment. These additions can not only have a financial gain but also contribute to quality of life.

October 9, 2021

Tips For Improving The Curb Appeal of Your Home

bee hotel
There are many reasons why people plan on improving the curb appeal of their home. Either because they have just moved in and want it to suit their own liking, or to make the home more attractive to buyers, or simply for a change. No matter the reason, there are a few simple ways the curb appeal can be improved without costing much. 

How To Keep Healthy and Warm During Winter

The winter season is a tough time for families to be healthy and warm. The cold temperatures make it hard to get out of bed in the morning or stay active during the day. It is also easy to catch a cold that can lead to a week's bed rest.

However, there are several ways you can keep your family healthy and happy through these long winter months. 

October 8, 2021

Steps To Follow When Renovating Your Home

bathroom renovation
Renovation is all about change to upgrade. With that in mind, here are some steps you could follow to renovate your house - the right way.

September 30, 2021

Easy Ways to Upgrade Your Home's Exterior

rustoleum driveway
A home's exterior is just as important as the interior. When people say that someone's home is beautiful, they often refer to both the outside and the inside. If your home's exterior doesn’t look as great right now, there are things that you can do to upgrade the looks to make it more appealing. These projects won't cost you a ton of money. Here are some easy, affordable ideas to upgrade a home's exterior.

September 23, 2021

Getting The Control You Deserve Over Your Home

Sometimes, our homes can feel out of our hands. Even though you own your home, and live in it 24/7, you can still feel a bit like a tenant who expects the landlord to come round any minute. And this is especially true for first time home owners!