Doodlepedia is a workbook full of fascinating facts and interesting things for children to do over the summer and during their "spare" time.
There are lots of different activities to colour, design and draw. The mazes, colouring activities, fun facts and drawings of a variety of things will keep the children interested as they learn about animals, sea world, robots, dinosaurs, science, light, reflections, planets, space, facial feelings, weather, technology, ancient civilization and many more.
Did you know...?
- White is a combination of colours.
- Tigers hide in shadows of trees to camouflage.
- Toucan's bill or beak is 8" long. It is useful for reaching and catching tasty fruit and bugs. The beak that looks intimidating to predators isn't very strong because it is made out of keratin, the same substance our nails and hair are made of.
Doodlepedia is available here and Amazon.

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This loos like fun! I am totally buying this for my little one when he gets a bit older...heh