Showing posts with label windows. Show all posts
Showing posts with label windows. Show all posts

February 24, 2013

A Guide to Learn Windows 8

Everyone is talking about the new Windows 8 so I wanted to learn a little more about it as I like keeping myself current with new technology no matter how rapidly it is changing :) This book The Complete Idiot's Guide to Microsoft Windows 8 by Paul McFedries has helped me to understand and learn about Windows 8.
Learning from a book is always more detailed, especially when it is a book like the Complete Idiot's Guide where all the details are explained and nothing is left out.  As the author says, Windows is simple and easy to use only once you know how to use it.  Therefore we must learn it first.  
When we first start using Windows 8 without the visual hints and prompts it is quite hard to figure it out.  The book is organized into 4 parts; getting to know, having fun, getting things done and customizing, maintaining and troubleshooting Windows 8.  
After learning from this book and practicing I feel comfortable using Windows 8.
I like the fresh features of Windows 8.  The built-in and other apps that can be download through the Windows store is very useful.  I find having apps such as the travel, weather, music, Netflix, Skype, Evernote, Dropbox apps in the start screen makes it easy to navigate and use.  Once we learn and start using Windows 8, we are sure to appreciate all its features.   
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